Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir // Immune Boosting Tea

Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir

These days, taking care of my health is more important than ever.  To keep my body and immune system working its best, I try to get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, eat plenty of fruits and veggies, and drink lots of water.

Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir

I’m always looking for natural and tasty ways to boost my immunity, so I spent the last few months making my own concoctions at home with readily available ingredients.  The recipe I’ve been making on repeat is a jar of nourishing turmeric ginger honey elixir.  It’s packed with a lot of flavor and has powerful immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory ingredients to help your body stay strong and healthy.

Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir
Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir
It tastes like a spiced sweet tea!  I drink it in the mornings before enjoying a cup of Nespresso and Collagen

It’s made with lots of fresh ginger, lemon zest, turmeric, honey, and black pepper.   Each ingredient has amazing benefits and when mixed together, they make a delicious and nourishing treat that also helps you stay hydrated all day.

Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir


I love the invigorating flavor and aroma of ginger.  It’s one of the healthiest spices on the planet and has incredible detoxing and cleansing benefits.  It’s loaded with nutrients and powerful anti-inflammatory properties.  I use freshly grated ginger, but ground ginger will work too.


This is a refreshing addition to any drink that boosts energy levels and metabolism.  It supports the immune system by creating an alkaline pH in the body to ward off illnesses.  It’s also high in vitamin C, which helps maintain proper immune function in the body.  This recipe uses lemon rind to keep the elixir from being too watery, but lemon juice can be added to the finished drink at the end if preferred.


This beautiful orangey yellow spice has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor.  Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric and it has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial effects.  I used dried turmeric powder because that’s what I have on hand, but fresh turmeric would work just as well.

Black Pepper

This recipe uses a hint of black pepper, which helps the body absorb the turmeric. I also enjoy the subtle spicy kick it provides.

Raw Honey

This natural sweetener contains more nutrients than regular pasteurized honey and is full of antioxidants, bacteria fighting components, and anti-inflammatory properties.  It’s also great for digestion and soothing sore throats.  When making this drink, don’t use boiling water. Use only mildly hot water to keep the health benefits of honey intact.

Just add a scoop of this mixture to your favorite tea or hot water for a soothing and healthy drink.  I’ve been enjoying a delicious cup in the mornings before my coffee and collagen.  Then I have another relaxing cup in the afternoon while the kids are down for their nap.

I hope you enjoy this delicious and healthy drink!

Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir

Turmeric Ginger Honey Elixir


  • 1 tablespoon of grated turmeric or dried turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon of grated lemon zest
  • 4 tablespoons of grated ginger
  • ⅛ teaspoon of black pepper
  • 1/2 cup of raw honey


  1. Combine everything into an airtight container and mix well.
  2. Add a scoop of the immunity elixir to a cup of tea or hot water for a delicious and immunity-boosting drink.

Notes: Keep in the fridge for up to 10 days.

Other healthy recipes you might enjoy:  Quick + Easy Green Smoothie, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Coffee + Collagen